The metaphor of being stones, though commonplace, resonates deeply with me. While we are all stones, each striving in our own constructed societal corners, there are moments when we naturally come together, forming a pile that gathers immense energy and sparks change.
This energy might be fleeting, a momentary burst, and once the event passes, we return to our everyday lives. Back in the routine, each stone interprets the world through its unique lens—perhaps through words, images, numbers, or any other self-fashioned channel. As a result, different piles of stones sometimes feel distant, sometimes close, depending on the circumstances and perspectives that connect or separate them.

"Stones Gather to Create Miracles"

 91x72.5 cm

Mixed Media on canvas

"Each Pile of Stones Understands the World in Its Own Way"

 145x53 cm

Mixed Media on canvas

"The Birth of a Great Flower"

 15x15 cm

Mixed Media on canvas

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